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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

beery flawed if you ask me,

No really, whats with most dudes and beer?

it is almost as though the amount of beer you can consume is proportional to your manhood, and thus worthy of much mockery if you're unable to gulp down large amounts, in short periods.

since the beer drinking habit started so long ago, almost since the start of mankind, i really don't know how it became popular, but i do imagine it was something like this.

one day man ferments yeast and produces the world's first beer.

man 1 : 'look dude, this tastes bitter and horrible, but its kinda cool still cause i made it'
man 2 : 'yea it tastes horrible, but since i can drink it fast means i'm stronger than you!'
m1 : 'no fuck you dude, watch this *gulp gulp*'
m2 : 'not bad, but i already conquered your whole barrel!'
m1 : 'No Wayyyy'
m2 : 'yea suck on that bitch ha ha!'

so since then when ever someone embarks on the journey of alcohol drinking, its almost an unwritten rule that you should start with the most elementary basics, the bitter crap tasting beer, and if you don't like it, Well, learn to gulp it down anyways.

otherwise you'll be branded weak, we're cool so screw you.

okay la i concede, the fact that almost every girl i have drunk with doesn't like beer one bit, makes everything a whole lot harder.

but hey, you don't have to conform right.

its not that i have anything against beer, no nothing of that sort, no B for beerdetta, but i just don't see the reason you should drink or eat, for that matter, anything that you do not like just for the sake of your reputation.

in fact, many people don't understand beer and assume its had many adverse health effects so on and so forth, but actually did you know even 'beer belly' is not caused by beer solely? overeating and a sedentary lifestyle is ultimately responsible for it, though a STRONG correlation between BINGE drinking and BEER belly has been found.

occasional drinking of beer is, in fact, 'associated with decreased risk of cardiac disease, stroke and cognitive decline.' - wikipedia.


'yea mate'

no thanks'
'eh but bo ta bo lam par (don't down means no balls) '

its alright i'll pass.

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