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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

remembering memories,

the mind is such a wonderful yet deceptive thing. for starters, like when something absurdly shocking happens, you faint, its inbuilt self defense mechanism just kicks in, and chances are the next time you wake up, the memories gone the very moment they materialized;

almost as though it never happened.

well of course memories could be lost in other ways. for one, simply by not thinking of a certain thing for long periods of time could create a mental lapse; half-hearted attempt to reminisce might not dredge this lost piece of experience, the worse case scenario might even see you fully unable to recall.

but as with most situations associated with the human brain, few things are cast in stone. Be it a simple knock on the head, or a sudden, unexpected flutter of wings, a small action or event could see everything just come flooding back. Little rhyme or reason needed.

perhaps it was the other day when i decided to walk in the rain. feeling the cold send chills right through my spine brought back a piece of childhood which i had lost until now.
(alternatively it could be the jolt of pain when i scraped my shin on the little wooden piece which triggered it, but i can't be sure.)

i was roughly seven. it was at a tuition centre where i made one of the few friends who really left a impact on my life. to be honest, the number of acquaintances i have made has been relatively large, but in actual fact those who i can call close friends have been few and far far between. as you might have figured out by now, i'm not one easy person to get along with. Especially at that age, not too many people had the same penchant for cynical jokes and pulling off elaborate pranks for the sake of a good laugh. pranks on the teacher if i should mention.

anyway, her name was Eunice and this is scary, given my sieve-like memory, its a surprise that i happen to remember her rather vividly. Fair, taller than me (at that time), oval face sharp chin and big eyes. but naturally the most important characteristic was her sense of humor.

the strongest memory we shared so happens to be the time i did something to our english tutor. i really can't remember what was it, but i remember her crying and screaming, certainly not the norm for her who is normally calm and way way collected. i glanced around and caught Eunice's glance, and her look told me she felt like an asshole too. the worrying bit, however, is i don't remember us apologising.

of course i would have, wouldn't i..?

Friends at that age are probably the ones you'll treasure the most upon looking back; simply because children that young's sole criteria when it comes to friends is just being able to get along. Throw aside social status, age, gender, physical features and most importantly, ulterior motives, and chances are you end up with 2 random people who click. Friendship is so much purer this way, when you know you can trust each other and disregard all defenses as you know he/she would not hurt you, intentionally at least.

however you might argue, once you are of a certain age such friendships would not be likely or even possible. But solice comes knowing you experienced it once and had a hell of a time with each other.

i wonder why this slipped my mind for so many years till now.
But as above mentioned, the mind is unfathomable. though i certainly wish i had gotten her email or number or something. why do i vaguely remember her migrating.

perhaps our paths may cross someday,

hopefully the partner in crime i miss might still remember me.

-jon out

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