OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Monday, April 21, 2008

The great coffee experiment.

They say the first step to overcoming a problem is to admit you have one. Well here goes; I am addicted to coffee. There, am I supposed to feel a lot better now?

Jokes aside, I've been experimenting on myself what would happen if I were to not drink coffee for the day. Normally, I would do it on a weekend, when the potential fallout of such a move will not be felt so much. Usually when I do this, I would suffer the whole day from head pains and spins*.

One fine Saturday (3 days ago actually.) I decided to be a little stupid. There was a Physics test on the day (yes, I got tests on Saturday, sucks.) and I decide, out of a whim, to not drink coffee**. I don't know what prompted me not to, must've been some insane part of my brain taking over my logical thinking for the moment there. So I walk into the exam room, sit down, take out my stuff, throw my bag to the front of the room. Then the test papers were distributed. The teacher told us to start and we did.

Well, I have only one thing to say after that. I am NEVER going into a test without lots of caffeine in my bloodstream EVER. I stared at the test paper for a full 5 minutes, completely uncomprehending the question. I struggled through the first question in the next 20 minutes, leaving a scary 30 minutes left for 3 more questions. Luckily by then my brain finally warmed up enough for me to barely finish the test.

I am so not looking forward to the results of this test. Now back to procrastinating from doing my physics pre-lab write-up.

*Not to mention a host of other stuff like eye pains, body ache, eyes blurring up.

**Jakcrash threatened to pull the plug on my coffee supply last year when we were doing the TEE. Luckily for me, he never went through with the threat. Don't you wish you did it then?

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