OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Sunday, July 27, 2008

an old man, a young man, and my life's greatest lesson.

firstly i would like to comment on how the below post contained sub-standard japanese.

i would like to apologise for that. especially if it didn't manage to put a smile on your face.
i mean, how could someone say that about my best friend. (aka someone's gay man wh*re)

makes me sick.

loads has happened in my life lately. Since the last post, i fucked isat again, went for the monash interview, decided to apply for dentistry as well. i really have nothing to say about Acer and their test. answers that appeared as clear as day to me were apparently wrong. for example,

'Advice is what people seek when they already knew the answer but wish they didn't'

Which of the follow best describes the above statement?
a. regret
b. confirmation
c. avoidance
d. arrogance

the answer seemed very obvious. but yet my sister disagreed. she says its because i was too cynical.
perhaps thats why she got higher 29%.
despite the fact that we were only 10 marks apart.

so i decided to do the interview. monash previously had no qualms about my isat anyways, as long as i do reasonably well for the former i would pretty much be given a place. hopefully.
i thought i did pretty okay this time.
last time i thought i did pretty well.
and i failed.

by now you probably have detected a strong pungent smell. yes, thats depression. comes when a relative close to you passes away. i really regret not being able to see her for one last time, though at least my sister did arrive to do so. she was supposedly greenish and having spasms, not to mention in a great amount of pain. its cancer afterall.

currently reading this book by mitch albom, tuesdays with Morrie. about a dying man who has ALS and as he withers away, speaks to Mitch once every week, a different topic each time.

i asked Morrie if he felt sorry for himself.
'Sometimes, in the mornings,' he said. 'That's when i mourn. I feel around my body, I move my fingers and my hands-whatever i can still move-and i mourn what i've lost. I mourn slow, insidious way in which i'm dying. But then i stop mourning.'
Just like that?
'i give myself a good cry if i need it. But then i concentrate on all the good things still in my life. On the people who are coming to see me. On the stories i'm going to hear.. I don't allow myself more self pity than that. A little each morning, a few tears, and that's all'
How useful it would be to put a daily limit on self-pity,
don't you agree?

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