OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

never made it as a wiseman, but who can't cut it as a blind man stealing?

blah blah blah.

i figured any explanation i'll think up in bid to, well, explain why i have not been gracing blogosphere with my royal presence would probably come across as that. yep. so lets save time.

its not that anything special happened lately, just now a recent hairdresser scared me real bad. the sad part of which it isn't zohan. SOMEONE SCARIER, and i shit you not. but not that i plan to go into the lucid details here, for i got enough people to tease me for the rest of my scarred existence.

c y j : 'HE WHAT?'
me : ' ya la niamaaa'
c y j : 'how much he charge?'
me : '12.'
c y ' eh you sure you never pay him extra to do that'
j : 'no wonder cut so nice. put his heart and soul into it somemore'

though on the brighter note, i'll probably erase this from my memory faster than the images of the 2 old ladies in chambermaid's and the SM uniform. holy shit i take that back. that was not bright.

but i'm glad my grandmother reached queensland safely today.(she has cancer and its final) though it was definitely worth it to get up at 7 today to send her off, it was really a struggle. is it just me or do everyone else experience this too, the stubborn inability of your body to get into gear that early in the morning. oh well, yet another point to add to the 'when i rule the world' list. so what if the early bird gets the worm? i don't like that stuff anyway.
hm but at least the gym plan's getting on well.

(the part of which isn't funny, is the fact that thats my head.)

ISAT's on thurs, wish me luck fellas!


Now playing: Nickleback - How You Remind Me
via FoxyTunes

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