OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Friday, November 14, 2008

if thats mirror image style, wheres the freaking lateral inversion?

to say that i have little to blog about would be an absolute, blatant outright lie.

i have none at all.
little things as such do not deter great people like me though.

seeing how active my compatriots have been in recent weeks on this site with pitiful internet traffic, i am pretty much ashamed with myself for my lack of activity on blogosphere.

there you see that word?, 'blogosphere'. who the hell created that anyway? its just the mashing of 2 totally irrelevant words, 'blog' and sphere' (an 'o' was merely thrown into the mix up for good measure imo) and you get a new term that catches on faster than an african bush fire. i won't bother explaining myself, but if my now 'bush' to you rings a bell other that what i was referring to - you may go screw yourself. alternatively you may be my friend.

ok its almost midnight. surveys have shown that my ability to bullshit is heightened at this point, usually. tonight though, it seems i'm hitting my groove and its not even 11.30. i think thats the amount of progress i've been making.

by now i usually run out of things to talk about. and usual is only so because it happens enough. today is no exception. all shall be reverted to talks of my uni applications (yes i want to go study that much). Griffith has offered me a phone interview on the 3rd of next month, hopefully by then adelaide and UQ would've given me a reply so i can sorta plan my next year. if all fails i need to apply for NS fast.

(if this isnt one of the most awesome things you've seen...)

sigh and oh we lost 2-4 to tottenham. just love how everyone blows things outta proportion. Pundits do it, Managers do it (saf and his neverending story on how FA hates the mancs), Osama does it....

dude, for god's sake already, its the bloody league cup.

why do you speak as though we just lost the champions league finals and barclays league title combined? if any more needs to be said, we played our soon-to-be-retiree Hyypia and who else?

Plessis. Damien Plessis. No this does not spell the end of liverpool, world war 3's not gonna commence because of we being knocked out, so can guys chill out already.

wow that has been on my chest for 2 days now good to get it off. now i know how yuekit must have felt when he released all the pent up anger at msian drivers! wow i feel light now i'm sure he must have did. unless he was at his peaks of course hahahah

gotta love inside jokes!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Guess who's back?

And now moving on from lame quotes from Eminem songs. Yes I'm finally blogging again (after an epic 6 month+ battle of hiding from and putting off Mr. Jonbankai).

So what to talk about? I have no idea. I can talk about some weird stuff that no one will see anyway, besides the one person repeatedly changing his name and spamming the chatbox. (Although I can see even he has given up trying to.)

So here I am, wasting my time trying to find something to write about. Great, what have I done to deserve this cruel, cruel fate? I can talk about my driver's license, but what do I talk about it besides me rarely even having to use it?

Maybe I'll just complain about Malaysian drivers? (Disclaimer: I'm not talking about every last Malaysia driver, there are some good ones that are nice and all but they're in the distinct minority.)

First of all, CAN WE NOT FOLLOW THE SPEED LIMIT FOR ONCE? I swear those idiots on the highway that zoom in and out between lanes at 160kph, yea, hate them. I really wish one of those fuckers would do that in front of me one more time, I'll take one of them out with me, the fucktards. You're not in a race, idiots and you're not at Sepang.

Second of all, YOUR CAR HAS FUCKING LEFT AND RIGHT SIGNALS. I hate people that suddenly change lanes to the left or right and nearly cause an accident. It is shit. The only time you don't use the signals is when you're the only fucking person on the road, if you're not, USE THEM!

And lastly, the lorries/trucks on the road. The singular most annoying things that pisses me off on the road. Lorries going on the fast lane when they're crawling at a speed barely even considered respectable for a 600kg guy running a marathon.

Sigh, whatever, that made me feel a lot better now.