OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Sunday, August 24, 2008

yoman's and greygoose,

chewy doesn't just strip when he's high.

i am not normally this red, it was the sun too hot.

so looks like the plan is NS first then study. fine by me la actually, NS first get it over with also not bad. its compulsory after all so not much choice, unless i run away and become a citizen of some other random country. not good also right? i mean singapore's home after all.

yep, ok sounds good. oh damn sleepy wonder why i even bothered to blog now, damn.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

the bet is on.

so mario john santiago and i, jonathan lim, have a bet prepared for the upcoming epl season.

the bet is simple. his team, manchester united wins he wins epl, he gets 100 sg.

If either Liverpool (my team), chelsea or arsenal wins the title then i get 50 sg.

for security sake, its imperative we post here for future reference,
( in case someone starts his warped msian nonsense and insist he wins 100 sg while i win 50 rm.).

And before someone starts bitching, i am by no means referring to anyone in particular; 'someone' being as general as you and i.

the bet is on. you guys are the witnesses. lets have fun.

ps. this bet is purely personal between 2 people and i am not encouraging anyone else to join in and as such it is not illegal.

Monday, August 11, 2008

I I, I will be fine; just say you'll stay forever mine.

had my personal qualities assessment test this morning, a prerequisite for adelaide university's health science courses. Section 1 was a huge rush and i ended up guessing quite a number, but i thought section 2 and 3 were pretty okay. the hypothetical scenarios required alot of thinking; weighing the pros and cons of your actions.
for example, a man named Mr jones was a former drug seller, but after returning with a new identity he is now the main cash provider behind a charity which helps homeless people.
would you report him to the police?
should justice always be upheld, even if its at the expense of the welfare of the homeless?

(ps. sp knows best)

so i shall refrain from commenting excessively. No point crying over spilt milk, or bad test scores, i firmly believe. which leads me to question the purpose of the test. i mean, my qualities already so obvious. obviously damn good. ah well the vagaries of university admission that i have yet to grasp and doubt i'll ever will.

hm in a week monash should reply me. fingers crossed.
but damn even this action results in pain now. stupid bar chords. no pain no gain was what a wise man once said. though personally i feel if he was smart enough(albeit less of the sadist) he'll have gained the same by bypassing the pain, that of wish i'm planning to accomplish. sometime. soon. hopefully.

i think.

The kite runner is another great book. revolving around the life of a boy named Amir and his servant Hassan brought up in afghanistan. really intriguing story, made me remember what its like to really be unable to put down a book. though the sad part is i genuinely believed it was a factual story. until the coincidences got a little too, coincidental.

ah the olympics has been pretty interesting. though i still have yet to come to terms with woman lighting twice their body weight and having muscles as such. all along i thought only insects and arthropods were capable of pulling that off. and that was the way it should have stayed.

speaking of woman a certain friend of mine has been quite actively recently. late night escapades, raunchy in-car activities at unearthly hours. Ah glad to see your friends growing up one by one. ah the feeling of watching your hard work pay off,

priceless. for everything else theres mastercard, duh